John T. Reed Quotes

The way to succeed is to identify your strengths and weaknesses, then seek goals that fit those strengths and weaknesses using tactics and strategies that take advantage of your strengths and sidestep your weaknesses.

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Pursuit of money, fame, and status generally does not produce a bumper crop of friends and friendly relatives in old age. Indeed, those goals are selfish and selfishness is not a way to make friends. Furthermore, money, fame, and status tend to attract false friends which may get in the way of your acquiring real ones.

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One of the things you should consider when you hear discouragement is whether the discouragers have accomplished that which they are trying to discourage you from trying.

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Probably the most common change that people who want to succeed need to make is getting rid of the incorrect career choice they made when they were naive, ignorant high school and college age kids.

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The only way to go through your life without pissing anyone off is to do great harm to your own freedom and to never get to what's best for you.

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You should change your goals whenever you get significant new information about yourself or your goal that changes the fundamental reason that you chose the goal to begin with.

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The point is that there are times when new information warrants a goal change. The other point is that you cannot change your goals to easier goals every time the going gets tough because it got tough. Persistence is one of the most important qualities necessary for success. But persistence only applies to pursuit of the right goal for you.

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In small organizations, your true abilities regarding producing or selling the organization's product or service tend to be most important. In large organizations, your bureaucrat/office-politics skills are paramount because there is little individual responsibility for results within the organization. It's too hard to tell who gets credit or blame, so office politics wins out.

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An expert is often not someone who knows everything about a field. Rather he knows where to find the information that he does not know.

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When you first start to study a field, it seems like you have to memorize a zillion things. You don't. What you need is to identify the core principles - generally three to twelve of them - that govern the field. The million things you thought you had to memorize are simply various combinations of the core principles.

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If you want to accomplish something, you must research it thoroughly to make sure you know of all the ways to accomplish it. That increases the chances that you can find a way that will work for you.

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Whining about how unfair life is does not help you succeed. Indeed, it saps your confidence and energy. Finding excuses for losing almost guarantees that you will lose.

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Creative people are often considered eccentric. Everyone is creative and eccentric. We are all unique. But the vast majority are afraid to let it out. It's more accurate to describe so-called creative, eccentric people as simply less inhibited.

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What personal qualities are virtues in one career are vices in another. You need to identify your strengths and weaknesses and get to the career situation where your strengths are considered virtues.

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When you want something, start with the direct approach. That is, go straight to the source and ask for what you want. You will be surprised at how often you get it.

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Most high achievement requires you to subject yourself to and survive rejection.

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Wealth, like anything else, has a point of diminishing returns. Furthermore, that point arrives sooner than the non-wealthy think.

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People who are afraid of losing their jobs and thereby, their income, are cowards. That's no way to live your life.

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Give your customers a quality product or service and a good value and they will recommend you to others and come back for more. Tricking your customers to buy is neither spiritually rewarding nor a formula for enduring success.

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Whatever you did in the past may well have been a mistake. If you become convinced it is, clinging to it just repeats the mistake and compounds it. Put it behind you - even if it was a career you spent decades developing. All that matters when it comes to decisions is your current goal and the best way to get there from here and now.

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