Meg Meeker Quotes

Every son is his father's apprentice, studying not his dad's profession but his way of living, thinking, and behaving.

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Great men cannot be great in a vacuum. The men we respect - who truly deserve our respect - are the men who have accomplished great things in pouring themselves out for others.

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Love isn't just about feeling good. It's about doing what you don't want to do, over and over again, if it needs to be done, for the sake of someone else. Love is really about self-sacrifice.

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Honesty is more than telling the truth. It means not keeping secrets. Not only does secrecy isolate people from each other, but when you're hiding something, it's rarely good. It's usually something about which you are embarrassed or ashamed. It is a weakness.

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It's a great strength to live knowing that if you lost every material possession, you would still have a life worth living. That means living without fear. We live frightened of things being taken away, but we don't need to be afraid. Strong relationships ground us. They complete us. You don't have to worry about losing material things; your life won't collapse without them. You can treat them as gifts and focus on the loving relationships that are really important, for they are the greatest gifts.

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