Charley Reese Quotes

What Americans need to realize is that it is impossible to increase government power without decreasing individual liberty. Government power, after all, means coercing people into doing some things and into refraining from doing other things. Every law says to the citizen, "You must" or "You shall not." Thus, liberty is lost incrementally, law by law by law.

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The problem with freedom is that it is a two-sided coin. On one side is the liberty to make decisions; on the other is responsibility.

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If one wishes to be an idealist, it's probably a good idea to become a hermit at the same time.

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It's OK with me if the government wishes to come pick up the body of a would-be burglar, but when someone attempts to invade my home, I consider it my personal responsibility to stop him. I consider that it is my unalienable right to acquire the means to do so.

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As a rule of thumb, don't believe anybody above the rank of lieutenant colonel. That's the rank most warriors are forced to retire at. Most of the rest are politicians in uniform.

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What people require for a good life – and many smart people have written books on this subject – are meaning and purpose. I personally have never met a self-centered person who was happy or content. The happy people I know are serving something greater than themselves – a cause, a religion or a family.

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